The Guide To Going Viral


Brendan Kane leverages his expertise in social media, entrepreneurship, and the film industry to blend the art of filmmaking with strategies for viral content creation.


The Guide to Going Viral is like a director’s manual for social media. It provides a step-by-step approach to crafting content with the impact of a classic film. Brendan Kane leverages his expertise in social media, entrepreneurship, and the film industry to blend the art of filmmaking with strategies for viral content creation. This unique combination highlights his talent in transforming traditional storytelling into engaging online narratives, ensuring success in the digital realm.

Through Kane’s perspective, social media becomes a director’s stage, with each post unveiling a narrative arc designed to captivate and engage the audience. He empowers you to assume the role of director, producer, actor, and screenwriter for your content, helping you master storytelling techniques that leave a lasting impact.

Kane and his team at Hook Point have pioneered a process that has amassed tens of billions of views and hundreds of millions of followers for their clients. Now, Kane shares the most effective tools from his digital agency’s arsenal. This includes the Viral Content Model, Viral Formats, and the Communication Algorithm—consider these your elite digital content advisers.

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